Automatic Hand Dryers vs Manual Hand Dryers: What is better?
Hand Dryer Comparison: Automatic Hand Dryers vs Manual Hand Dryers
Simply googling hand dryers for your business can be overwhelming since chances are there will be many results. If you want to get the best out of your money on hand dryers, you need to know which hand dryer is the best fit for your company. For that, you need to know your options first.
Types of Hand Dryers
To trim down your list and for you to understand a bit more about the hand dryers, you first need to know the types of hand dryers available. There are two, which are manual and automatic hand dryers.
Manual Hand Dryers
Have you ever eaten at an old and small diner? Often, the hand dryer in this place is manual. These hand dryers are also known as the traditional hand dryers or push-button hand dryers. These come with a button that you need to push for it to blow out hot air. Usually, it takes about 30-45 seconds to dry hands.
Automatic Hand Dryers
Automatic hand dryers are the opposite and improved version of the manual ones. Since it is automated, you don’t need to push a button to turn it on and use it. These models use infrared sensors that can read whether there is a hand under the vent. They automatically turn on once needed and turn off when it doesn’t sense the hand anymore.
Factors to Consider
Since you already know the types, we now need to move forward to consider a hand dryer and create a comparison to know which one is better.
Cost of the Hand Dryers
Since manual hand dryers are usually the lower end of the range of hand dryers on the market, they are relatively cheaper than automatic hand dryers. But investing in an expensive hand dryer is not always the case. If your business is just a small business that usually requires tons of uses for the hand dryer, you can choose manual hand dryers. They still get the job done, so there is no problem.
Speed of Drying Hands
No one wants to stay for a long time in the bathroom. Mostly, people who go in there just come and go in just a matter of few minutes. The speed of drying hands is also a factor. For example, your business is located in a tower. Chances are, during lunch break, there will be a lot of people inside the restroom. Having a hand dryer that can dry hands in just 8-10 seconds has a significant difference from having to dry hands in 40 seconds.
Manual hand dryers usually have a drying timespan of 30-40 seconds, while automatic hand dryers can have a built-in high-end motor that can dry from 10-15 seconds or even less.
Power and Noise
The power and noise of the hand dryer are related to the speed that’s already been discussed earlier. The faster the drying process, the high-powered the hand dryer is. If the hand dry is high-powered, it is most likely to be noisy. Traditional or manual hand dryers have lower power which means they are quieter than automatic ones.
So if the restroom is located in an area where noise should be controlled, a manual hand dryer is a better option for you.
Energy Efficiency
Since automatic hand dryers are usually high-speed models, these are more energy-efficient than manual dryers. Automatic hand dryers are designed only to work when there is a hand in its presence, while manual hand dryers usually blow air for a specific time after the button is pushed.
Given that it’s a restroom, germs can be a problem. Since automatic hand dryers offer a touchless experience, it is much preferred than push-button ones: lesser contact, lesser chances of getting germs.
What’s the decision?
Deciding which handlers are better without considering your business or company’s situation first is a big no. You don’t want to invest in an appliance that would cause you problems in the future. You want to be able to maximise it and get what you paid for. Make sure to jot down the factors to consider so you can finally derive with the right-hand dryer.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the factors to consider when buying a hand dryer?
There are quite a few things to consider when buying a hand dryer. However, the very first one would be the type of business or company you have. After that, you can use this list as a basis:
1. Cost of hand dryer
2. Speed of drying hands
3. Power and noise
4. Energy efficiency
5. Hygiene -
What are the types of hand dryers?
There are two types of hand dryers on the market. The push-button/manual hand dryers and automatic hand dryers. Automatic hand dryers are the more modern ones. They use an infrared sensor that automatically runs the hand dryer when the hand is at the sensor and turns off once removed.
What is the difference in drying time in manual and automatic hand dryers?
Manual hand dryers usually have low power, which makes the drying time about 30-45 seconds. On the other hand, automatic hand dryers are commonly equipped with high-power models which can dry hands in just 10 to 15 seconds or even less.
Recommended Hand Dryer
If your business is a high-trafficked place, an automatic hand dryer like ABIS Excel-9 Hand Dryer is a perfect option for you. With just £99.99 including VAT, you can take home a high-speed, energy-efficient automatic hand dryer that can dry hands in just 10 seconds.
ABIS Excel-9 has a compact and elegant design. It is suitable for any environment like from classic to modern surroundings. Its external case is made from high-quality stainless steel for maximum durability and resistance. The mainboard, motor, and casing are all made for long-lasting service with original CE & RoHS compliance. It comes with a high-quality shiny chrome finish. It’s also available in Gold, White and Black finishes.