A Complete Guide: All You Need to Build a Perfect Home Cinema

A home theater is the ultimate dream of anyone who worked hard all these years. Celebrity homes are equipped with a home cinema with all the modern fixtures to satisfy their entertainment needs. Don’t you know that the market size of global home cinema amounted to 7.7 billion USD in 2018? There is an increasing demand for advanced communication devices that propelled the market for home cinema. Manufacturers continue to develop products that are compatible with the entertainment and communication devices of modern smart homes. There are things to consider when building a perfect home cinema.
This article will guide you on how to get started.
Perfect Home Cinema Hacks: How to Build your Own Home Cinema

Tips & Hacks on Building a Perfect Home Cinema
Your dream home cinema is not only a room with a wide projector screen and a comfortable sofa to relax after a day’s work. You also need to consider some requirements to have an ambiance of a movie cinema. Here are some hacks and tips on how to build a perfect home cinema.
Find a Special Space for a Home Theater Room
Like your prayer room, your home theater room should solely dedicate to watch movies and video streaming on a big screen. Other activities not related to entertainment should be outside your home theater. It should not share a common area for your living room, kitchen, dining area, or your bedroom.
Your home theater is a dedicated room where children or pets do not run around while you watch streaming videos. Before you build the theater room, you have to choose an area that can view a 150” diagonal picture from a 14-foot throw distance of your projector.
Soundproofing Your Home Theater
Ambient sound is uncontrollable even if you allocate a dedicated space for your home cinema. The sound of vehicles, barking dogs, dishwashers, plumbing noises, or commotion outside of the theater room could cause a distraction while watching a podcast.
Controlling the ambient sound is the best solution to have a complete cinematic experience in your home theater. Hire a carpenter to soundproof your cinema room by adding a double layer of drywall or adding a sound minimizing wallboard.
Install a solid door instead of a hollow-core door to control the outside noise. Install thick draperies on your windows that block the sound and light from the outside.
Limit the Ambient Light
Ambient light comes from the other areas of your house or outside of the windows. Although you want to light your cinema theater with natural light outside the windows, it could distract the video projection images. Your movie experience is less enjoyable with an ambient light keeps coming in.
If the ambient light is inevitable, you can control it by installing a home screen projector with the highest lumens rating. However, the best remedy to control the ambient light is to find the source. You have to move your home theater to an area where there is total darkness.
Your basement is a good place for a home theater. Install light-blocking draperies and shades to counter the light if you have no place to relocate

Install the Right Audio-Visual Component Rack
Your home cinema should have a proper audio-visual component rack. Place it near an electrical outlet and the Internet source wire. The audio-visual component rack is where you place the sources of entertainment-related gadgets.
Such devices include cable box, Internet Wi-Fi, router, extenders, boosters, modem, BluRay player, network media streaming box, and home theater tuner. ABIS 120” Electric Projector Screen is highly recommended for easy installment in your audio-visual component rack.
Control Reflective Objects
Reflective objects bring distraction to your movie experience as they reflect the light. The color of your wall paint could be the source of reflective light.
Avoid installing shiny objects like doorknobs, light fixtures, hinges, fireplace, countertops, and recessed light trim kits in an area between you and the screen. You may also spray-paint the reflective objects with dark-colored flat or matte finish paint. This type of paint can also help cover blemished walls.
Ventilate the Audio-Visual Rack
Promote ventilation in your A/V component rack to prevent damage in the long run. Buy a metal rack with all sides open for ventilation. The component rack should be sturdy and spacious to allow the heat to flow freely in the home theater. Face the electric fan toward the rack to cool the gadgets. Install a metal grid to promote ventilation for your devices.
Install a Flexible Lighting System
Your cinema light plays a role in turning your viewing experience enjoyable. Install a cinema light control that can turn on and off the lights within your room. Hire an electrician to install small recessed lights in the ceiling to emit light downward or to the bottom of the soffits.
Ask an electrician where to place the rope lights, soffits, recessed lights, and dimmers to turn your room into a classic cinema. They are to be behind you to prevent glaring lights.
Keep it Simple
If you want to turn your room into a movie cinema, then keep it simple. Avoid adding knickknacks near the screen. Don’t display those movie posters and memorabilia of your favorite celebrities as they cause a distraction while watching a movie.

Install a Drop-Down Screen
The advantage of having a drop-down movie screen is you can hide it after watching a movie. Try investing in a video projector or an electric movie screen that automatically lowers or rises once you click a button.
Install Internet Connection
Renting a DVD or CD is a thing of the past. Video streaming and podcast could be impossible without an Internet connection. Install strong Mbps for your broadband internet connection for seamless entertainment at your home theater. Hide all Internet wire to keep your home cinema free from eyesores.
Find a Perfect Seating & Viewing
Your home cinema should have the right seating arrangement for good viewing. The room size is a prime factor in determining your viewing distance from the screen. If your room is a small space, buy a screen that is not too big to glare your eyes. Invest in a comfortable cinema seat without a high back to prevent blocking the people behind you.
Ceiling Suspension
Since the video projector is an expensive investment, you have to protect it from thieves. Instead of hanging it on a flat surface, suspend it directly from the ceiling. Buy generic suspension kits that are easy to use and provide a security lock to your projector.
Paint it Dark
Paint the walls and ceiling of your home theater with dark paint to remove ambient light and reflective objects. There is no room for light reflection in a home theater, so avoid white.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best color for my home cinema?
There are four colors for your home cinema. Black paint can block the entry of ambient light, and it creates a frame for your screen. Brown can offer comfort, navy blue gives a funny feeling, and red gives a luxurious feel to your home cinema.
How many subwoofers do I need for my home cinema?
More subwoofers are good enough for a quality surround sound system. Having more than one subwoofer can support your main speakers to expand the sound. Install the subwoofer in the back of the room to provide sub-bass support for your speakers
What is the standard size of a home theater?
A large home theater is advisable for a quality viewing experience. A high-quality sound system needs a spacious room for sending the sound waves and die off. Find a large area in your home, away from unwanted light and ambient sound for entertainment satisfaction.
A home cinema provides luxurious entertainment for your family while in the comfort of your home.
Since it is an expensive investment, you have to plan it well before the home renovation starts. To make your viewing experience enjoyable, control the ambient sound and light that can cause a distraction while watching a movie.